Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook

The key hash is a type of simple authenticate key generate by your android development enviournment which will authenticate our developed android application ( In which we are going to add Facebook login ) and gives us the access to use Facebook login into our app. So here is the complete step by step tutorial for Get Generate key hash for Facebook in android in windows XP,7,8.1,10.

How to Get Generate key hash for Facebook in android in windows XP,7,8.1,10.

Use of Online Hash Generator Tool. After you have generated hash data, you can simply click on 'Copy to Clipboard' or select all converted text and press 'Control-C' to copy, and then 'Control-V' to paste it back into your document. Alternatively you can download generated hash data to text file simple click on the 'Download' button. When you are ready to publish your app, you will need to generate a Key Hash for your signing keys and update this value in Facebook before your signed app will work. To generate a Key Hash for.

1. Download OpenSSL for windows form Google Code.

2. After download OpenSSL extract the downloaded folder into C drive .

3. Now locate your debug.keystore file which is inside your .android folder. The folder is located on .

4. Copy debug.keystore file into your JDK’s installation bin folder . For example My Jdk’s bin folder is located on C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.7.0_72bin .

5. Start CMD ( Command prompt ) as Run as Administrator.

6. Goto C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.7.0_72bin into Command prompt.

7. Now paste below lines in CMD and press enter.

8. Now enter keystore password as android and press enter.

9. Now goto OpenSSL’s bin folder in command prompt My OpenSSL’s bin folder is located on C:opensslbin .

10. Now execute below command in CMD and press enter.

11. Now once more run the below command.

Here you go now open C:opensslbin folder and there your can see a text file name as debug_real_key.txt open that file and your key hash is present inside that file.

Generate hash key android application facebook android

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This is simple process to generate Hash key and we already create lots of time but again we forget that how to generate Hash key ? Even i am stupid one of them and again throw same query in Google. But Now i remember whole the process to generate hash key. When you start to create new Facebook application for android they ask Hash Key to validate your application.

Most of the time user confused to generate Hask key and Key Store , They confused that from where to start ? It mean which path should be use to generate key?

How to Generate android (Facebook ) Hash Key ?

Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook Messenger

Step 1 :Download OpenSSL for Windows

Step 2 : Open the drive where you have install JDK. ,(in my case that is C:)

Step 3 : Extract your Open SSL zip here in root directory (in my case C:Program Files)

Step 4 : Copy : JAVA > JDK 1.7.0_25 > bin

Step 5 : Open Command prompt , Start > Run > CMD

Step 6 : Now CMD will show User’s location (in my case C:Userschintan >_)

Step 7 : Using Step 4 paste that copied path here and enter ,

So it looks like this C:Userschintan > cd C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_25bin

Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook Lite

Enter , so that will switch to new location. So now you should be here C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_25bin >_

Step 8 : Now start from here ,

  • 8.1 keytool -export -alias myAlias (set alias name any)
  • 8.2 C:Userschintan.androiddebug.keystore,(Get your Debug key store path and append after alias )
  • 8.3 C:openssl-0.9.8k_WIN32binopenssl sha1 -binary(Get your openssl path and append after keystore path separate with '|') 8.3 C:openssl-0.9.8k_WIN32binopenssl enc -a -e (append with '|')

So , whole URL should looks like ,

Step 9 : Enter if you are ready to get Hash Key 🙂

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