Facade Game Will Not Loading

  1. Facade Game Will Not Loading
  2. Facade Game Will Not Loading On Ps4
  3. Facade Game Will Not Loading Back
  4. Facade Game Will Not Loading Screen
  5. Facade Game Will Not Loading Back
  6. Facade Game Will Not Loading Windows 10

The facade pattern (also spelled façade) is a software-design pattern commonly used in object-oriented programming. Analogous to a facade in architecture, a facade is an object that serves as a front-facing interface masking more complex underlying or structural code. A facade can:

This is a Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game, meaning a specific genre of story-driven, point & click adventures. Throughout the game, players are tasked to find a list of objects hidden within a particular scene, and to occasionally complete various mini-games/puzzles. The computer game 'Facade' is freely available for download from the website of its creator, Procedural Arts. It runs locally on computers and does not have a streaming or online play component. Versions of 'Facade' are available for both Windows and Macintosh computers. For Windows, it requires a 1.6GHz Pentium 4 or higher processor, 256. Facade is one of the most unique and novel games of its kind: a real-time interactive drama where players communicate directly with non-player characters in a short dramatic scenario.While over 15.

  • improve the readability and usability of a software library by masking interaction with more complex components behind a single (and often simplified) API
  • provide a context-specific interface to more generic functionality (complete with context-specific input validation)
  • serve as a launching point for a broader refactor of monolithic or tightly-coupled systems in favor of more loosely-coupled code

Developers often use the facade design pattern when a system is very complex or difficult to understand because the system has many interdependent classes or because its source code is unavailable. This pattern hides the complexities of the larger system and provides a simpler interface to the client. It typically involves a single wrapper class that contains a set of members required by the client. These members access the system on behalf of the facade client and hide the implementation details.


The Facade[1]design pattern is one of the twenty-three well-known GoF design patterns that describe how to solve recurring design problems to design flexible and reusable object-oriented software, that is, objects that are easier to implement, change, test, and reuse.

What problems can the Facade design pattern solve?[2]

  • To make a complex subsystem easier to use, a simple interface should be provided for a set of interfaces in the subsystem.
  • The dependencies on a subsystem should be minimized.

Clients that access a complex subsystem directly refer to (depend on) many different objects having different interfaces (tight coupling), which makes the clients hard to implement, change, test, and reuse.

What solution does the Facade design pattern describe?

Define a Facade object that

  • implements a simple interface in terms of (by delegating to) the interfaces in the subsystem and
  • may perform additional functionality before/after forwarding a request.

This enables to work through a Facade object to minimize the dependencies on a subsystem.
See also the UML class and sequence diagram below.


A Facade is used when an easier or simpler interface to an underlying object is desired.[3] Alternatively, an adapter can be used when the wrapper must respect a particular interface and must support polymorphic behavior. A decorator makes it possible to add or alter behavior of an interface at run-time.

AdapterConverts one interface to another so that it matches what the client is expecting
DecoratorDynamically adds responsibility to the interface by wrapping the original code
FacadeProvides a simplified interface

The facade pattern is typically used when

  • a simple interface is required to access a complex system,
  • a system is very complex or difficult to understand,
  • an entry point is needed to each level of layered software, or
  • the abstractions and implementations of a subsystem are tightly coupled.


UML class and sequence diagram[edit]

A sample UML class and sequence diagram for the Facade design pattern.

In this UMLclass diagram, the Client class doesn't access the subsystem classes directly.Instead, the Client works through a Facade class that implements a simple interface in terms of (by delegating to) the subsystem classes (Class1, Class2, and Class3).The Client depends only on the simple Facade interfaceand is independent of the complex subsystem.[4]

The sequence diagram shows the run-time interactions: The Client object works through a Facade object that delegates the request tothe Class1, Class2, and Class3instances that perform the request.

UML class diagram[edit]

The facade class abstracts Packages 1, 2, and 3 from the rest of the application.
The objects are using the Facade Pattern to access resources from the Packages.


This is an abstract example of how a client ('you') interacts with a facade (the 'computer') to a complex system (internal computer parts, like CPU and HardDrive).



See also[edit]

Facade Game Will Not Loading


  1. ^Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides (1994). Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison Wesley. pp. 185ff. ISBN0-201-63361-2.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^'The Facade design pattern - Problem, Solution, and Applicability'. w3sDesign.com. Retrieved 2017-08-12.
  3. ^Freeman, Eric; Freeman, Elisabeth; Sierra, Kathy; Bates, Bert (2004). Hendrickson, Mike; Loukides, Mike (eds.). Head First Design Patterns(paperback). 1. O'Reilly. pp. 243, 252, 258, 260. ISBN978-0-596-00712-6. Retrieved 2012-07-02.
  4. ^'The Facade design pattern - Structure and Collaboration'. w3sDesign.com. Retrieved 2017-08-12.

Facade Game Will Not Loading

External links[edit]

The Wikibook Computer Science Design Patterns has a page on the topic of: Facade implementations in various languages
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Facade pattern.

Facade Game Will Not Loading On Ps4

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Facade_pattern&oldid=996427370'

Façade is an award-winning AI-based game where your choices of conversation decide whether the married couple (the main characters of the story) stay together or not.

After some downloading issues and whatnot I finally got to install the game. Five minutes later I was ready to dive into the life of the married couple… The loading screen certainly took longer than the promised “no more than 60 seconds” (and the computer I used is not usually slow, so I figured it was the game)… After restarting the game a few times, I still could not actually get to the game-part of the game, so eventually I moved to another computer – this time with a Windows 7 os instead of using a Mac.


This is the first time I have downloaded a piece of elit and I must say I prefer being able to discover them online without having to download it. Though, eventually, about an hour after I would have started discovering the piece if it would have been online, I was finally ready to discover Façade… Well, at least if it was not for the “Decompressing Façade sounds, this may take up to 30 minutes. Thanks for your patience!” thing that popped up just when I thought the game was done installing. And honestly, I was about to run out of patience.

A while later I could finally try Façade, and my expectations were actually rather good despite all the installation issues.

The game starts with Trip inviting me over to his and Grace’s apartment at eight pm the same night. (The first time I went through the game I did not have sound on and saw only a black screen, so it was the second time I actually discovered this.)

As I was choosing my character’s name, I could not find anything close to my actual name so I just went with Liz eventually. Trip and Grace starts off the story with an argument, and it is obvious they argue a lot judging by the way they talk to eachother. Trip greets me, then goes to get Grace – and once again they start to argue. I feel like a bother to them already.

Facade Game Will Not Loading Back

The first piece of information I gather is that Grace seems nervous and judging by the answering machine on their phone they just moved into a new place together. It also turns out I was the one to introduce Grace and Trip – ten years ago – during senior year in college. That is interesting. They then start to fight right in front of me, how rude. Without me getting the chance to say or do anything (as I was just observing them), Trip pushes me out of the apartment. Again, how rude.

The second walkthrough went a bit better. At least they served me a drink. But Grace seemed just more miserable as time went by.

When I tell them to stop arguing, Trip keeps asking if I think he is angry… Arguing and angry are two different things, but ok. Also I tried my best to help them, but after listening to them argue and realizing that Trip must be very controlling, that Grace is not happy, and everything… I did not want to save their marriage, honestly.

Facade game will not loading screen

Facade Game Will Not Loading Screen

When I asked Grace if she is happy, she asks if I think she is depressed. So obviously I was having some trouble communicating with these two. I wonder if this is intentional from the game’s side or not.

After all, these two just kept arguing no matter what I did. At least that is how it seemed to me. The second playthrough ended with Trip leaving the apartment saying he wanted a divorce. And after my second walkthrough, I was done listening to people argue for today.

Did I like Façade? Kind of. It seemed hopeless to save their marriage even though I read it is possible. Honestly though I did not really want to, they did not really seem good for each other, and Grace seemed really unhappy. In the end Trip actually yelled at me, saying I caused arguing for saying how they were angry and depressed – which I never actually said, so maybe the communication part of the piece was not the best (unless this was intentional).

So this elit, with all the arguing, did not really get me in the best of moods. Though I will probably end up playing it again someday just to see different outcomes. Façade is alright, but far from my favorite.

For the second part of this blogpost, I am to talk about what I want to do for my own piece of electronic literature. Since the beginning of the semester I have wanted to create a work of hypertext fiction where one makes choices that influence the story, but had no ideas on themes or topics or anything on how to actually create it.


After a while I discovered Twine, and tried it out for about an hour or so just playing around. And even though I am sure that using html and css all on my own would give me more freedom and ways of customization, I think Twine will be easier and more problem-free. Therefore, unless we are introduced to something even better, I will use Twine to create my hypertext fiction.

My piece of elit will consist of many small poems (usually four lines each) where the reader decides where to go next by clicking a word within the poem and then getting a new poem to read along with a few new clickable words within that poem. At least this is my idea right now. The choices will change the story in some way, and have twists and turns – some more expected than others.

The theme of the piece will be life. The reader will be able to create a life story and decide its path by making choices. The story will start out with the main character as a child, through teenage years, into adulthood and if they choose wisely – elderly.

I have several little poems written already – some which I am happier with than others. I am not sure if all of them will be used, but even if I do use them all I imagine I still need more. I have been writing poems on and off for some years now, but most of them do not fit into my piece of elit – meaning all poems in the piece will be new and written for the elit.

The design I imagine will be simplistic, both because I want the reader to focus on the text and because I think in this setting it will be a nice metaphor when it comes to the topic of life.

I am not sure of how many poems I will need, but I think that will become more clear as I start working on the Twine and decide exactly how the poems are pierced together into stories.

Facade Game Will Not Loading Back

Writing poems that reflect a character of all ages will be a challenge, but I think a fun one. I think child will be difficult since it has been a while since I was a child myself, but maybe elderly will be even more challenging since I have never been one. Nonetheless I look forward to giving it a try.

All in all, I am really excited to create my own elit!

Facade Game Will Not Loading Windows 10

Thank you for reading.

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