Android Emulator With Ro

Support Status: Current

Maintainer: Dees_Troy

Android emulator with root

Get the fastest and smoothest gaming performance with BlueStacks - the world’s most popular, safest and FREE Android emulator for Windows and Mac. Trusted by over 500M gamers. The Visual Studio Emulator for Android fits nicely into your existing Android development environment, with APK and file installation that is as simple as dragging and dropping items on the emulator screen. It also connects to Android Debug Bridge (ADB) so other popular Android development tools such as Eclipse and Android Studio can easily. Test an ARCore app on an AR-supported virtual device in the emulator. To do this, you can follow the Android Studio instructions to Run an app in the Android Emulator. Note: To run apps with NDK components in the Android Emulator, your app must be built with x86 ABIs. For an example, see the ARCore HelloAR C sample app.

And again if the value of is 1, the app is running on a emulator. The same with ro.kernel.qemu and the others. Now is easy to understand which part of the code we need to modify to bypass the emulation process. We need to check all the implementations inside the code to bypass the application. $ emulator -ports X,Y @avdX. Then, the serial number will be emulator-X and your avdX will always be on ports X,Y, so you can run your commands with this serial number, like for example. $ adb -s emulator-X shell cmd. To kill the emulator run. $ adb -s emulator-X emu kill.

Code Name: twrp

Download Links:

Current and past versions of TWRP can be found at one of the mirrors below:

TWRP can be booted in the Android emulator. To use this you will need to download both the goldfish_2.6_kernel and the appropriate .img file from one of our mirrors above.

With the Android emulator make a new device based on a Galaxy Nexus. Allow it to have a hardware keyboard and a 1500MB sdcard. Give it a name like TWRP. Then from your android-sdk/tools folder run the following command:


./emulator -avd TWRP -ramdisk ~/cm_folder/out/target/product/twrp/ramdisk-recovery.img -kernel ~/cm_folder/device/emulator/twrp/goldfish_2.6_kernel

(Note that you will have to change the paths to match the locations of the files that you have downloaded.)

After the first boot, wait for ADB to start up (usually ADB comes online about 15 seconds after TWRP boots), then:

adb shell /sbin/

This script will partition the sdcard with a boot, recovery, system, cache, data, and removable sdcard partition. It's designed to work with a 1500MiB sdcard. If you want a different sdcard size then you will need to modify the script in the cm_folder/device/emulator/twrp/recovery/root/sbin/ location to suit your needs. The script will also mount the old MTD system device to /system so that you can make a backup of the system image to restore to your new mmc-based system.

If you want to make the emulator boot up using the emmc partitions, you will need to modify the ramdisk.img. Locate the ramdisk.img in your android-sdk/system-images/android##/armeabi-v7a/ folder. To unpack it:

cd ramdisk

Modify the init.rc to mount your mmc based partitions instead of the mtd ones by locating the line in init.rc that says 'on fs' and modifying it to look like this:

on fs
# Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint
# mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system ro remount
# mount yaffs2 mtd@cache /cache nosuid nodev
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /data wait noatime nosuid nodev
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 /cache wait noatime nosuid nodev

Save the changes and repack the ramdisk image as follows:

find . | cpio -o -H newc > gzip > ../newramdisk.img

Boot the emulator using -ramdisk path/to/newramdisk.img -kernel path/to/goldfish_2.6_kernel


This guide explains how to prepare the Android Emulator for testing your app.

Android Emulator Rotate Not Working


The Android Emulator can be run in a variety of configurationsto simulate different devices. Each configuration is called a virtualdevice. When you deploy and test your app on the emulator, you selecta pre-configured or custom virtual device that simulates a physicalAndroid device such as a Nexus or Pixel phone.

The sections listed below describe how to accelerate the Androidemulator for maximum performance, how to use the Android Device Managerto create and customize virtual devices, and how to customize theprofile properties of a virtual device. In addition, a troubleshootingsection explains common emulator problems and workarounds.


Hardware Acceleration for Emulator Performance

How to prepare your computer for maximum Android Emulator performanceby using either Hyper-V or HAXM virtualization technology. Because theAndroid Emulator can be prohibitively slow without hardwareacceleration, we recommend that you enable hardware acceleration onyour computer before you use the emulator.

Android Emulator With Root

Managing Virtual Devices with the Android Device Manager

Best Android Emulator With Root Option

How to use the Android Device Manager to create and customize virtualdevices.

Editing Android Virtual Device Properties

Android Emulator Rotate

How to use the Android Device Manager to edit the profile properties of avirtual device.

Android Emulator Troubleshooting

In this article, the most common warning messages and issues that occurwhile running the Android Emulator are described, along withworkarounds and tips.


If you are using a Mac with an Apple chip, such as the M1, you will need to install the Android Emulator for M1 preview from GitHub.

After you have configured the Android Emulator, seeDebugging on the Android Emulatorfor information about how to launch the emulator and use it for testingand debugging your app.

Android Emulator With Root Access


As of Android SDK Tools version 26.0.1 and later, Google has removed support for existing AVD/SDK managers in favor of their new CLI (Command Line Interface) tools. Because of this deprecation change, Xamarin SDK/Device Managers are now used instead of Google SDK/Device Managers for Android Tools 26.0.1 and later. For more information about the Xamarin SDK Manager, see Setting up the Android SDK for Xamarin.Android.

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